Friday, February 25, 2011


On an unseasonably warm day in February, after weeks of wintry coldness and snow, Gary and I walked through the historic Eastern Shore town of Quantico.   Here are a few photos from that outing.   You can see much more interesting details if you click on the photos to enlarge them.

This dog was the first thing that greeted us as we parked our vehicle in a church parking lot.   He was being a very good guard dog and did his duty by barking at us ....

I loved the yellow on this house, and the white trim .... and it had a beautiful yard, which will be even more beautiful when the flowers begin to bloom.

A driveway between two of the houses ... I love the shed and the shadows.

A shiny old car .... and it's for sale

I was taken by the curve on the front of this wonderful older white house.

Clothes on a line ... I didn't notice until I was processing the picture that there is a person in the yard chair to the right.

Gotta love porch swings ....

Notice the yellow chairs on the porch of this already-colorful house ...

A beautiful garden shed, with a little basket and a star to give a country touch ....

This house was built in the late 1700's ... I believe it is for sale.

Another nice garden shed ....

I love the rustic cabin feel of this place ....

On the way home, we stopped at Michael's.   While Gary went inside, I stayed in the car and was taking a photo of our dashboard when I was startled by passionate barking ... looked to my right and saw this little guy whose bark was much bigger than his body.

Looking forward to the promise of Spring .... aren't you?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Drinking Deeply Of Memory

A few recent edits of places seen in our travels ....
(click photos to enlarge for better detail)

An abandoned home somewhere on the backs roads of Kent County, Maryland ... seen last summer

We were traveling to Bethlehem, PA, in search of the now-derelict Bethlehem Steel Plant, when we passed this church and pulled in to walk through the cemetery in the back lot ....

Another abandoned home, seen somewhere in Virginia near Wallops Island ....

A beautiful Victorian style home on the main street of Laurel, Delaware

I loved these three side-by-side vintage chairs sitting on a porch in Laurel ....

A gorgeous house, but a strange yard, even featuring a full-sized sculpture of a cow named Eloise .... located on a side street in Laurel ....

House for sale in Laurel ... including a white picket fence

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