Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day Trip to Antietem Battlefield and Harpers Ferry

Flowers were still blooming in front of the Welcome Center at the Antietem National Battlefield in Sharpsburg, MD.

An old farmstead skirting the Antietem Battlefield

Entering the town of Harpers Ferry, West Virginia ...
The Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers converge here

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Kate and Alex's Wedding ....

I have finally finished the editing of Kate's wedding pictures.   For those who may be interested, here are links to five Picasa albums showing the events of that day.    I included even the photos that were poor quality or bad expressions, just because I thought Kate would enjoy seeing the moments.   Twenty years from now, the bad quality won't matter but the moments will.    The albums are best seen in Slideshow mode at full screen.   Open the slideshow and then click F11 to make them full screen.  There are a total of 1255 pictures, so it will take some time to view them.  Enjoy!

The first album covers the morning events and bridal preparations ...

The second album covers outside shots of the bridal party, including fun with umbrellas!

The third album covers the wedding ceremony ...

The fourth album covers the time spent outside the church after the ceremony and includes family shots

And the final album covers the reception ...

Thanks so much for taking the time to visit ...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Giving the Bride ....

Dad waits ...

New hands to hold ....

(click photos to view larger)

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Loveliest of Days ....



A preview of photos from Kate Frye's wedding
(click on individual photos to view larger)

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