Saturday, December 31, 2011

From Our House to Yours ....

"Why won't anyone play with me?"

"Oh .... Daddy has gotten my attention!"

"I'm just bored with it all ... "

"I think I'll watch the birds ...."

" ... or find a spot of sunlight"

"Happy New Year, Everyone .... it's time for a nap!"

Saturday, December 24, 2011


What could be more precious than being invited for coffee and cookies with sweet friends during the week of Christmas?   And how wonderful when those friends allow you to bring along a camera ....

Can you hear the sound of "Silent Night" being played so beautifully on the piano?   This last collage brings back memories of my own childhood, when just about every waking moment at home was spent at my piano. 

Wishing everyone the most blessed Christmas ever!

Collages made in Picasa.   Click on photos to enlarge for better viewing.   Digital art made from vintage postcards.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Let Your Mercy Spill

(photo taken about two miles from my home .... click to enlarge)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

a lone little feather, sweetly escaped from my pillow

"Go, Little Feather .... Be Free"

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Oxford, Maryland


click photos to enlarge for better detail

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