Monday, September 27, 2010

Vintage Romance

Gosh, it's been a while since I have had some free moments to come here.   I'm trying to put together a book of the pictures from our early summer trip to NYC, and I've been spending most of my spare minutes toward that project.   Otherwise, I will never hold that book in my hands ....

But ... I did want to show you a few pictures of these beautiful vintage dresses I saw last weekend in our local Living History Museum at Furnace Town.    I wonder how it felt to be dressed in one of these ....

"I feel as if I had opened a book and found roses of yesterday sweet and fragrant, between it's leaves. " — L.M. Montgomery (Anne of the Island)

"It is ever so much easier to be good if your clothes are fashionable."
— L.M. Montgomery (Anne of Green Gables)

And here are a few other things that were in that same room .....

"Dear old world', she murmured, "you are very lovely, and I am glad to be alive in you."
— L.M. Montgomery (Anne of Green Gables)

(click photos to enlarge for better detail)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

An Enchanted World ....

It was a beautiful weekend on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.   My sister Bonnie and I rode to Whitehaven yesterday, parked the car on a piece of grass in front of the water, and walked the two streets that make up the entire town.   Here are a few memories ....

The seagulls watching humans ....

Pink flowers on white fences

See the gentleman sitting on this porch?   We didn't see him until he came outside and began talking with us.  This house has been in his family since the 1940's.  He and his wife live in a nearby town and come here as a getaway.  He is a farmer, and he is very nice.   And very blessed to live in such a beautiful place.  Here is a view of one side of the house ....

This is another house, located just a couple of houses up from the previous one.  The tall canna plants were glowing in their orange color, giving an appearance of Fall.

As I was taking pictures of the flowers in front of the house I just showed you, I suddenly heard a loud and threatening barking ..... so glad the fence was there.

This was another man who was friendly to us.  He is retired from NASA and lives near Washington, DC.   He and his wife often come to Whitehaven in the summer, to escape into quietness.   The difference between the two places is like night and day.   He is standing in front of a model of the only church that is located in the town .... the model was made by him.   A very talented gentleman.   And we ended up discovering he is a Christian and sings in two Southern Gospel bands on the Western Shore.

We peeked into the windows of the locked old schoolhouse and saw this cat lying on a cabinet.  The nice gentleman I just showed you offered to take us into this place so we could see some of the old pictures.  The cat was not supposed to be in there, so I was glad we stumbled upon her.   She was certainly very friendly.   She must have known she was in the presence of someone who would love her.

Wouldn't you like to sit in this swing with me?  Sipping a glass of lemonade?

The Whitehaven Motel, recently restored and renovated ....

I took about two dozen pictures of this beautiful, beautiful Jasmine vine .... so beautiful, it almost makes me cry.

Goodbye, Whitehaven ... a tiny bit of our hearts were left in you ......

(click photos to enlarge and see better detail)

An enchanted world is one that speaks to the soul, to the mysterious depths of the heart ...
(Thomas More)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Welcome, September!

A few more photos from our last trip to Pennsylvania ....

The train from Strasburg to Paradise ....

at the station ....

I love all the little details that often aren't noticed .....

Some of the views from the train ... the last picture is of my sister Georgia  ... we were celebrating her birthday

The gift and dining section of the Red Caboose Motel ...

refurbished railway cars, made into sleeping quarters for tourists
(my family took our parents here for their 50th wedding anniversary a number of years ago)

the old, mixed in with the new ....

for those who love to shop ....

moo ......

(click on photos to enlarge ... and then I think you can click one more time to enlarge even more ... it always amazes me to see the details that I wouldn't normally notice)

Isn't it wonderful to look at the calendar today and see the word September?!!!

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