Autumn in Oxford
Last weekend, my sister Bonnie and I visited the little town of Oxford, Maryland, situated on the Tred Avon River. Here are a few photos to help us remember that beautiful day ....
Before arriving in Oxford, we passed through the not-as-tiny-as-I-thought town of Trappe. We parked the car and walked a couple of blocks. The owner of this beautiful yellow house was working in her yard, and we stood and chatted with her for a few moments
This little dog belonged to the lady in the yellow house .... quite the yapper!
We stopped at this produce stand, and the owner gave us permission to walk through his flowers and take as many photos as we wanted.
Standing in the midst of a flowering vine just like ones Bonnie has admired in Lancaster. The gentleman told us the name of the vine but my poor brain doesn't remember it.
Zinnias, still in bloom .... they always remind me of my Aunt B. and my growing-up days on the farm.
This mockingbird was keeping an eye on us as we walked through the flowers
Beautiful porches in Oxford ....
The marina ....
A door on a tiny building down by the ferry ....
A white birch tree at the River's edge, with the ferry in the background ...
Beautiful architectural detail ... love the lace curtains and the old lamp in the window....
Golden leaves .....
Autumn colors on the street where we parked ....
Beautiful trim ....
Who can resist taking pictures of berries .... not me!
And what better way to end a photo journey than with another picture of someone's beloved dog. This dog's name is Ellie and her mother works in an oncologist's office and was wearing a "Fight Like A Girl" t-shirt. I would have included her in the photo, but I got the impression she preferred that I just capture her Ellie.
"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns." ~George Eliot
(Click on each photo to view in larger sizes ......)