Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Perspective Correction

I wanted to show an example of the difference it makes in a photo to correct the perspective distortion.   Many of the pictures I take with my lens at 18mm produce photos where the right and left sides are horribly leaning inwards.    I use the Perspective Tool in Paint Shop Pro to correct that distortion, and then I widen the width to compensate for the scrunching that results from the perspective correction.   Here are "before" and "after" examples from one of my photos of City Hall in Philadelphia .... (click photos to enlarge)

Original photo .... notice the terrible leaning buildings

"After" .... buildings are no longer leaning.   I processed the photo with Akvis Sketch and Filter Forge.

This building is the second tallest masonry building in the world, according to Wikipedia.  I normally try to have space on either side of a building, but I just could not get far enough away from this one to capture the entire thing.   I was standing way across the intersection, among crowds of people.   And when I tried to get farther back, other structures were getting in the way.   So, this is not the best shot in the world.   But my aim was to capture as much of City Hall as I could.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Snow Had Fallen, Snow On Snow

It began snowing here on Christmas Day, in early evening.   Continued throughout the 26th, with accumulation in our yard of almost fifteen inches.   The little birds have descended in grand numbers, and that has made my heart very happy.    Here are a few captured moments .... (click on photos to enlarge for better detail)

A spirea bush by my front doorsteps, laden with snow ...

Little mounds of snow

Victoria ... enthralled with the little birds

Sweet Little Chickadee ...

You just can't win the battle with the squirrels and the starlings.  This squirrel has pushed the top off the feeder and put most of his body right down into the feeding tube ...

He eventually had to come up for air ....

While Gary was shoveling snow from the driveway, I filled the feeder and set it on the ground in front of the shop door .... it didn't take long for the birds to find its new location.

Even the blue jays came for a visit ...

and, of course, the finches ....

Is there anything much more beautiful?

In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow,
In the bleak midwinter, long ago.

Our God, heaven cannot hold Him, nor earth sustain;
Heaven and earth shall flee away when He comes to reign.
In the bleak midwinter a stable place sufficed
The Lord God Almighty, Jesus Christ.

Wishing everyone a wondrous New Year!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas

Did Mary say to Joseph tenderly,
"Such little hands, such little feet!  They be
Like little shells we've found beside the sea,
The Sea of Galilee"?

And did wise Joseph answer, "For love's sake
Our love shall shelter Him, enclose and hold,
As the low hills about that silver lake
Shelter it, fold on fold?"

And then did Joseph's father-like surprise,
As round his finger little fingers curled,
Call smiles and tears to Mary's mother-eyes?
He clings who'll save the world.

(Amy Carmichael ... Just a portion of the Poem "Christmas Gifts")

"He clings who'll save the world."

From my heart to yours .... wishing you a wondrous Christmas!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Day Trip To Philadelphia

A few photos from our recent day trip to Philadelphia ..... we left home at 4:00 a.m. and drove two hours to Wilmington, DE. where we caught an Amtrak train to Philly.   Click each photo to enlarge for better detail.

The platform at the station ... I used a texture to try to capture the ominous feeling of the place

Christmas in downtown Philadelphia ....

This little sparrow had his feathers fluffed out, trying to stay warm ...

The Philadelphia Belle, a new attraction at Penn's Landing

The robins were feasting on the berries ... this shot was taken in front of the building that houses the Libery Bell

Someone's window decoration ....

Mr. Seagull .....

A place to rest one's weary feet .... and to eat a slice of pizza

This bird was in the shopping mall, too .... people watching, I suppose

The Feeder of Birds ....

The Little Birds of Philadelphia ...

I spotted this leaf on a step as I was climbing towards one of the tourist attractions

An interior shot of Christ Church .... George Washington, Betsy Ross and Benjamin Franklin were among some of the people who worshipped here

Betsy Ross House

Carriage Rides ...

Tourists with cameras ...

Time to begin the long walk back to the Amtrak Station

A bronze statue in the 30th Street Amtrak Station ... a Memorial to the more than 1300 Pennsylvania Railroad workers who lost their lives in World War II.

Shoes shined, anyone?

Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas season .....

Monday, November 29, 2010

It's Beginning To Look .....

Gary was in desperate need of a new winter coat, so we foolishly ventured to our local mall on Friday, along with every single other person in our surrounding area (or at least it looked that way).   I tried to add a little fun to the trip, by taking my camera along.   These are a few little items that caught my eye in Boscov's ...

You just have to smile ....

A pink Christmas ....

"Pedi Please"  .... isn't this adorable? 

"It's a hard choice ...."

"Put on your big girl shoes!"   (I was so disappointed when I saw that I cut off the shoes in my picture ... Sigh)

Awwwwww .....

Winter fun ....

JOY ....

PEACE .....

"This is the message of Christmas: We are never alone." ~Taylor Caldwell

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