Monday, November 29, 2010

It's Beginning To Look .....

Gary was in desperate need of a new winter coat, so we foolishly ventured to our local mall on Friday, along with every single other person in our surrounding area (or at least it looked that way).   I tried to add a little fun to the trip, by taking my camera along.   These are a few little items that caught my eye in Boscov's ...

You just have to smile ....

A pink Christmas ....

"Pedi Please"  .... isn't this adorable? 

"It's a hard choice ...."

"Put on your big girl shoes!"   (I was so disappointed when I saw that I cut off the shoes in my picture ... Sigh)

Awwwwww .....

Winter fun ....

JOY ....

PEACE .....

"This is the message of Christmas: We are never alone." ~Taylor Caldwell

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

For the beauty of the earth,
For the beauty of the skies,
For the love which from our birth
Over and around us lies,
Lord of all, to Thee we raise
This our grateful hymn of praise.

For the joy of human love,
Brother, sister, parent, child,
Friends on earth, and friends above,
Pleasures pure and undefiled,
Lord of all, to Thee we raise
This our grateful hymn of praise.

... When I fall on my knees, with my face to the rising sun ...
O Lord, have mercy on me.

"Certain thoughts are prayers; there are times where no matter the attitude of the body, the soul is on it's knees."
Victor Hugo (Les Misérables)

Happy Thanksgiving to all my family and friends .... each one of you has a special place in my heart.

(Photos of Sunset, Waterfront and Church taken at Taylor's Island ... click photos to enlarge for much better detail)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ellicott City, Maryland

Last weekend, we ventured to the Western Shore of Maryland and visited the historic town of Ellicott City.  Here are a few memories from our time in that quaint little town ... (click photos to enlarge)

As we left home, I noticed a leaf caught in one of our windshield wipers.  That leaf stayed with us for most of the journey.   While we were stopped at one of the stop lights, I grabbed this photo ....

Main Street ....

The bridge by the Railroad Museum, welcoming visitors to Ellicott City ...

This stone house sits at the base of the bridge ....

We were climbing an uphill street, trying to locate a church we had seen in the distance, when this orange cat came running out from behind a bush.  He stopped for a moment to look at us and then turned and climbed these steps.  

One of my favorite shops on Main Street was a little Vintage Chic shop called "A Journey From Junk" ... it was filled to the brim with vintage Christmas items

A Pink Christmas ....

The town clock ... down by the Railroad Museum

A spot for the birds ....

Golden Autumn leaves, surrounding the fence in front of the Court House ...

Mr. Bob ... the Guardian Cat of one of the Main Street antique stores ....

Vintage clothing in one of the antique booths ... this dress made me think of my sister Betty

Taking a break in front of a little shop called "Vintage Girls" ....

"Vintage Girls" window display ....
A bag hanging outside the door of "Vintage Girls" ....

A little body of water, flowing beside the Railroad Museum ....

Fence Bokeh .... at the Railroad Museum

A train passed by as we were leaving one of the old railway cars outside the Museum ...
A tempting window advertisement .....

Thanks so much for visiting ....

Monday, November 8, 2010

Autumn In Washington DC

Last month, Gary and I took another trip to Washington DC, specifically to see the Washington National Cathedral and to visit the Georgetown District.   I haven't had a chance to work on all of the photos from that trip (I took almost 1000) .... but here are a "few" ...... (click photos to enlarge for better detail and for a much more impressive view ... a few of them are quite a bit smaller than I normally post them, but there are a few that should take up almost your entire screen when enlarged).

Arriving at the New Carrollton Metro Station in the early morning hours ... photo taken from the top of the parking garage

Waiting to buy the Metro tickets .... I intentionally added distortion to this photo because I feel very "distorted" in such places .....

The escalator taking us up from the Metro train to the street level at Dupont Circle .... I have to just stare at my feet because I feel like fainting if I look upwards ....

Pumpkins for sale along one of the streets

Washington National Cathedral ....

View from the Bishop's Garden

A robin, sweetly singing ....

There were hundreds of these individual angel sculptures over one of the doorways ...

Stepping Heavenward ....

Interior ....

The National Girls' School ....

A pathway between two homes in the Georgetown District ....

"Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn." ~Elizabeth Lawrence

Thanks so much for taking the time to view my photos .... everything is so much more meaningful when shared. 

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