Thursday, November 24, 2011

Far Ahead the Road Has Gone

I love photographing houses .... old ones, new ones, cottage, country, farmhouse ... it doesn't matter.   There are ones that speak more strongly than others, however.   This one reminds me of a home belonging to my mother's sister (Aunt B.) many years ago, when I was a young child.   I adore the vintage-style awnings ... the dormers ... the door to the right that looks as if it leads into a sun porch ... the country setting ... even the clouds that were so lovely on this day of traveling the Eastern Shore's back roads.   I even love the shadows on the front lawn, cast there by large groves of trees.

And further down the road, on the outskirts of Oxford, we turned onto a lane leading to an old cemetery.  Across the pond that encircled the cemetery stands this wondrous estate.   I wonder if the people who live there glance towards the cemetery and ponder eternity.

(click on photos to view larger and to enjoy details not otherwise seen)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Autumn By My Driveway

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Berlin Afternoon

I rode to Berlin a couple of weeks ago, parked the car and walked the sidewalks.   Here are a few things that captured my eye ...

I love the quaint, small-town feel.  I was happy these sidewalks were not full to overflowing on this particular day.  I tried to visit the town one day during the summer and couldn't find a place to park the vehicle, thanks to the Ocean City tourists.

Loving this style of home with the large front porch and the welcoming wreath on the front door and the lace curtains in the windows ...

Little birds were visiting, too ..

Fallings from the trees ...

I like this smaller house on the small hill .... but the highlight of this spot was the morning glory vine draping one corner of the wall ...

Don't you love that name .... morning glory?

pink ribbons in honor of breast cancer awareness ...

The tallest daisies I've ever seen ...

Golden leaves ....

Unique weather vanes and lightning rods ...

More lacey windows ...

and even more little birds .... loving the one coming in for a landing

(click photos to enlarge views)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Falling Slowly

Two leaves held fragily onto a tree by our driveway ... enlarge photos to see the thin strands of web.

Friday, November 4, 2011

More From Harpers Ferry

(click individual photos to enlarge views .. there is so much more to see when you view the large sizes)

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