The Violets Blooming At Her Feet ...
"Look at us," said the violets blooming at her feet, "all last winter we slept in
the seeming death, but at the right time God awakened us, and here we are to
comfort you." ~Edward Payson Rod

"To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, One clover, and a bee, And revery. The revery alone will do, If bees are few."
(Emily Dickinson)
I was looking through some older photos last week while Gary was recovering from emergency surgery for an aortic aneurysm. There were so many I had never worked on or posted, so I thought I would spend some time walking through the memories. Can you hear the whispers .... "and here I am to comfort you."? It's such a cliche, but a very true one, that we never know what a day will bring. I'm so thankful Gary's aneurysm was discovered before it ruptured ... that it was "fixed" and that he was home the very next day. Indeed ... all is Grace.
(Thank you so much for visiting)