Monday, January 23, 2012


Just a beautiful scene that greeted our eyes on a recent Sunday afternoon while traveling the back country roads, heading toward Dagsboro.   It was one of those days when the clouds were wondrous.

(a sweet illustration by Susan Beatrice Pearce, from one of my vintage children's books)

Try not to fall out of your cart as you go about your chores this week.

thank you for visiting

Thursday, January 19, 2012

When No One Else Was Watching

How sweet to be softly walking in a garden on a summer day and to have your eyes alight upon a dear young robin .... his mother was discovered a few minutes later on a bench nearby.


“For a long time she flew, only when she thought no one else was watching.”
Brian Andreas

you are so kind to visit .... thank you

Monday, January 16, 2012


Who would have thought my shrivl'd heart
Could have recover'd greenness?
(George Herbert ... 1600's)

Gary and I sometimes walk the wooded pathways at Winterplace Park.  These ferns were spotted last Spring.   I love their vibrant green. 

thank you for visiting ....

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Some Wildflower in my Heart

In the midst of the winter bleakness, I am going through old photos searching for color.  

(click photos to enlarge for better viewing)

Gifts from the Wildwood

I know not how to capture
This fragrant wildwood's rapture,
The magic of these dells
Where silent beauty dwells,
Where noble strength and power
in oak and pine tree tower.
But when from these I come,
I hope to carry home
Some spirit not yet had
To keep me strong and glad,
Something from oak and pine
To be forever mine;
When from these woods I part,
Some wildflower in my heart. *
(Archibald Rutledge)

*this poem is the inspiration for the title of one of my all-time favorite books, entitled "Some Wildflower in my Heart" by Jamie Langston Turner.

read about the book here

you are so kind to vist .... thank you

Friday, January 13, 2012

Things I've Seen Along the Way ....

a horse softly grazing at a market on Rt. 50 near Hebron ... the market includes an Amish bakery

little chicks, at the same market

a unique mailbox found along a country road


windmill, against a beautiful sky

a common view from my front window .... "whatever you find to do, do it with all your might"

(photos look much better if you click to enlarge them)

I'm linking up with Kati for Photo Friday ....

Wishing everyone a sweet weekend ...

thank you for visiting ...

Monday, January 9, 2012

Send in the clowns ...

(my photo, with added textures .... a new winter treasure discovered at Marshall's .... for some reason, he spoke to me  .... I think it was the vintage feel, reminding me of childhood Christmases)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday Pretties

To see individual photo links, visit here

and here

Two more mosaics I created from my Favorites folder in Flickr.  Photos by my Flickr friends.

Do you want to try making a collage?   Go here.    It's fun.

Happy Friday .... thank you for visiting!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Take my hand and lead me to Salvation

"Come with me
 Where chains will never bind you
 All your grief at last at last behind 
(Les Miserables)

I belong to a group on Flickr called "Things I Love Thursdays," where I put together mosaics highlighting photos from my Favorites folder, which holds pictures posted by my Flickr friends.  I try to make each mosaic portray a story or emotion.   This one is for any who have ever been enchained in soul or spirit.   You can view each individual photo here .

"And withal consider how in all these trials, your Lord hath been loosing you at the root from perishing things, and hunting after you to grip your soul."
(Samuel Rutherford)

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