Saturday, February 25, 2012

Small Treasures

a sweet bear mug I bought at a Hallmark store several years ago .... you may remember there was a line of cards that matched

a chipped coffee cup I bought at an antique mall on one of my trips to SC to visit my parents ... couldn't pass it up, even though it was chipped .... pretty to look at, even if it can't be used

coffee creamer I found at a local antique shop for $6 .... I love the roses

more roses .... I found this one on ebay about ten years ago when I was going through a "roses" stage ... I store small pieces of jewelry in it

Isn't it fun, the way each individual piece holds it own special memories in your heart?  You look at it and are instantly taken back to a moment in time.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Slice of Life

a few random shots taken in my living room ...

Victoria Lynn, atop my reading chair, lit by the floor lamp ....

looking soft and precious on the rug

Sarah Lee has become enamored with sleeping on pillows .... this is one of her normal "I don't care" looks

The chair where Victoria was sitting in the first photo .... a pillow in place for when Sarah wants to sleep.   This is where I sit to read.    The chair does not match my living room decor, so I have it covered with a bedskirt (which you can't see here) and a white blanket.   I didn't try to pretty it up for the picture.   Was just sitting on the sofa with camera in hand and liked the way the area was lit by the floor lamp.

I just like the details

lace curtains, again lit by the floor lamp ....

a small section of the bookshelf where I store my Amy Carmichael and Elizabeth Prentiss books


thank you so much for visiting

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Fall ...

Directly across the road from the old barns in my last posting was this old abandoned and crumbling church.    It sits beside a lovely river, just looking sad.

Sometimes when I see old churches in this condition, I wonder if this is a reflection of what God sees in much of "the church" today ....

"Search me, O God, and know my heart"
(Psalm 139:23)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What the Heart Sees ....

Gary and I took a short ride one day last week and ended up on some of the back roads around Easton.   The highlight of that trip was this old barn complex.   I surely would have loved to have gotten closer.  I took these pictures while walking along the edge of a deep ditch on a fairly busy road.   I wonder what people think as they are driving along a roadway and see a not-so-young woman trying to maneuver her way along a ditch and stopping every few feet to point a camera at some old buildings.   These are not the best pictures in the world, but they do look a little better if you click on them and view them larger.

I love those two silos with the open windows at the top.   And I love the cupula on the barn all the way to the left.

I wonder if growing up on a farm makes me love things like this even more than I normally would?

"sometimes the heart sees what's invisible to the eye"
(Alfred Tennyson)

Friday, February 10, 2012

For Love of Hearts

It's Friday, and I'm linking up with Kati for Photo Friday (the Hearts edition).   Kati challenged us to find photos of hearts in unexpected places.   Here are two of mine:

Gary often volunteers to run to the grocery store for me when I need just a few items (one of the many things I love about his retirement).   Upon returning home on one of his recent outings, he presented me with this heart-shaped potato.    How sweet.   Have you ever discovered love in the midst of grocery shopping?

Last Autumn, we made a trip to Bethlehem, PA to visit the old Bethlehem Steel Plant.   While walking the grounds, I spotted this heart in the midst of a rusty pillar.

“Love is not written on paper, for paper can be erased. Nor is it etched on stone, for stone can be broken. But it is inscribed on a heart and there it shall remain forever."

Thanks, Kati, for hosting Photo Friday.   Here is a link so you can visit Kati and see the heart she has captured ....

Love each other deeply, with all your heart.
(1 Peter 1:22)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Polka Dots, Ruffles and Roses

I'm loving these Martha Stewart polka dot cupcake papers, available at Michael's.    I haven't filled them yet because once I fill them, I will be like this:

“On Saturday, she ate through one piece of chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, and one slice of watermelon.

That night she had a stomach ache.”
― Eric Carle, The Very Hungry Caterpillar
(I took license to change the "he" in the original quote to a "she")

Pink, Yellow, Polka Dots, Ruffles, Roses, Daffodils, Hollyhocks, Butterflies, Yellow Dresses, Teacups .... I think I could have a tea party!

And ... oh my word ... you have to check out Pinterest !!!  (smile)
(there's a link on my sidebar)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The first time ever I saw his face ...

dear little feet

dear little hands

dear little face

dear little boy

Mason David Phillips
Born November 14, 2011

Mason is my sister Georgia's grandson .... born to her daughter Darlene and Darlene's husband, David

(my very first experience photographing a baby)
click photos to enlarge

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