Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Where It Was Always June

I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June.
-- L. M. Montgomery

These are a few highlights from our travels this past weekend ....

Who can resist an old barn?   (not me)

sooooooooo in love with bokeh ......

Museum in Lewes, Delaware

"lets go cruising - you & me
salty air - my sun kissed hair
endless summer ---just
take me there"

Down by the Riverside ......

Yellow butterflies look like flowers flying through the warm summer air.
-- Andrea Willis

Hair styling from a purple house ....

overflowing window boxes ....

Heat, ma'am! it was so dreadful here, that I found there was nothing left for it but to take off my flesh and sit in my bones.
-- Sydney Smith
(a perfect description of the weather here on Saturday)

"I live on an island and listen to jazz all day long. The sun is always shining, but you can still see the stars. The breeze sings astonishingly like Ella and the wind rumbles in a Louis way. My friends and I dance under magic skies."
(Author Unknown)

What do YOU love most about Summer? ......

(As always, click on photos to enlarge for better detail ... it's amazing what little things you can see, like the little birds sitting on top of the barn)

Monday, June 28, 2010


The color Yellow .... inspired by hot Summer days .

When flowers spill over onto sidewalks .....

"Sitting on the porch, you could feel it: the air wishing it was water."
¸.•*´¨`♥ Jeffrey Eugenides

Little girls wear upside-down sunglasses ....
(my niece, Ellie)

For a yard you want to get noticed, plant wildflowers instead of grass ....

Are you upset little friend? Have you been lying awake worrying? Well, don't worry...I'm here. The flood waters will recede, the famine will end, the sun will shine tomorrow, and I will always be here to take care of you. -Charlie Brown to Snoopy”

(My niece Ellie with her Grandpa Farnum)

How the color yellow affects us mentally and physically
* Mentally stimulating
* Stimulates the nervous system
* Activates memory
* Encourages communication

Happy Monday, my friends .... may your world be colored in yellow this week

Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday Pretties

It's been a hot, hot week here on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, with temperatures hovering near 100.  We had refreshing and much-needed rain last evening, and I'm hoping it may be a bit cooler today.

This week for Friday Pretties, I thought I would show you a few pretty things I've seen in my recent travels.    Thank you to Joyce from http://iloveprettylittlethings.blogspot.com/ for hosting this special event each week.    When you have a moment, visit her blog and feast upon her own Pretties ... and then follow the links to our other friends.

Black-eyed Susans .... Maryland's State Flower

Wildflowers seen while driving through the Bombay Hook Wildlife Refuge this past Monday

Even though it has been hot, the sky has been filled with beautiful clouds ...

The geese have been staying cool in their own habitat ....

Ostrich at our local zoo ....

“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air ..."
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

And lastly, I wanted you to see this sweet statue located in front of an Animal Hospital on the Eastern Shore of Virginia ....

"May the raindrops fall lightly on your brow. May the soft winds freshen your spirit. May the sunshine brighten your heart. May the burdens of the day rest lightly upon you, and may God enfold you in the mantle of His love.”

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Land That Time Forgot -- Elliott's Island

Last Friday, Gary and  I left home in search of Elliott's Island.  According to a book written on the history of this tiny island, it is "the land that time forgot."    A website says there are now "70 locals".   We eventually arrived at our destination ..... one weekend in NYC and the following weekend in the most extreme opposite place you could imagine.   The contrast was remarkable.  

My favorite site on the Island was the old Methodist Church .

The steeple standing tall against the beautiful sky ....

The details of peeling paint, weathered wood ... stained glass windows ... rustic doorknobs

The old wooden sign ...

The cracked cement steps ....

The church graveyard ....

A home as you are entering the Island ....

"Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these."
(Luke 12:27)

"Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?
(Matthew 6:26)

"Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind ....."
(Nathaniel Hawthorne)

Monday, June 21, 2010

A View Towards Eternity

"A Peaceful Oasis in the heart of Brooklyn, New York" .... that is the subtitle on the website for the Green-Wood Cemetery. Founded in 1838 as one of America’s first rural cemeteries, the Green-Wood Cemetery soon developed an international reputation for its magnificent beauty and became the fashionable place to be buried. By 1860, Green-Wood was attracting 500,000 visitors a year, rivaling Niagara Falls as the country’s greatest tourist attraction. Crowds flocked to Green-Wood to enjoy family outings, carriage rides and sculpture viewing in the finest of first generation American landscapes. Green-Wood’s popularity helped inspire the creation of public parks, including New York City’s Central and Prospect Parks.

Here are a few photos from our HOT afternoon at this site ...

entrance ... Gothic Revival style architecture

chapel ....

 Magnificent angel sculptures

Beautiful flowers ....


The sorrow of losing children ....

The sorrow of losing a husband ....


It was unbelieveable to see hillsides covered in mausoleums ...

And everywhere, the birds were urging us on ....

"Then I will go ... to God, my Exceeding Joy"
(Psalm 43:4)

... I knew something that morning of what it will be when He "shall look us out of pain."
(Amy Carmichael)

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